Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Get free money !!

Bubblews is a website that pays you just for writing anything !!
If you want to make money sign up here-
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Monday, 21 October 2013

How to use Antivirus for lifetime without software!

hello frndz… Is your antivirus’s 30 days trial period over?? I know no one is intersted
in registration and buying the commercial version,not even me :-P
so here i will tell you how to get a new trial license :-)
so lets start frndz
Delete old key and turn off self defense (Settings-Options in kaspersky and turn off Enable
self-defense, and click(OK).
Open Registry editor (click start in windows menu then go to run and write regedit and click Ok) and go through
For 32bit OS: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ KasperskyLab \ protected \ AVP9 \ environment
For 64bit OS: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ KasperskyLab \ protected \ AVP9 \ environment
Right look for PCID and right click and modify three or four last numbers or letters example:
and enter any other three-letter four-number and close the Registry Editor.
Right click on Kaspersky icon in the task bar and choose exit.
Go to Start-Programs menu, open the Kaspersky and when you activate searching trial license and you have new
license of a peaceful month
Go to Kaspersky settings and turn on self-defense.
enjoy :-)
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Make a Private Folder with your own password without any software!

Sometimes you need to hide your gf/bf photos in your PC so that your parents not able to see them :-P
so here i will tell u a trick make a Private Folder with your password
so lets start friendz…
first of all open notepad
and type the code:
Quote: cls
title Folder Private
if EXIST “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
echo Press (Y) for Yes and Press (N) for No.
echo ———————————————————–
set/p “cho=>”
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
attrib +h +s “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set/p “pass=>”
if NOT %pass%== MY PASSWORD goto FAIL
attrib -h -s “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
ren “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Go to
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End
Now change the password in the if NOT %pass%==MY PASSWORD goto FAIL line replace text of Your
Password with your password for the folder lock
change MY PASSWORD with your password
Now save this file as Evilhackers.bat  and you are done.
Now Open the Evilhackers.bat file and enter your password to open a private folder of yours.
Now copy paste the files which you want to hide and make it secure in the private folder.
Now again open the Evilhackers.bat file and press ‘Y’ to lock the private folder with your password.
Now to again open the secured files open the Evilhackers.bat file Enter your password and your files are there for you.
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How to secure your Facebook accounts from being hacked?

hello evilhackers :-)
Today i will tell you how to secure your facebook account. Most of us are worrried about
their facebook account’s privacy. becz now a days facebook has become a part of our daily life. So, we also need
to secure this part of life so that our life don’t be disturbed :-)
1. First and very important step to secure account is set a very diffficult answer of your security
question so that any of your friend doesn’t guess it easily. As i have also cracked the security
questions of my friends so, be careful!!:-)
2. Second is when facebook asks to confirm phone numbr always give your own phone numbr.
Never give your friend’s numbr or those numbr which don’t exists like we do when our
principal or professor asks for our parents :-P
3. Never click on any untrusted link. These link may be phishing or spam. If you click on such
links,a facbook page opens and it says “login  to continue” then, plz never do login
becz it is a fake facebook login called phishing.
4. Whenever you login from cyber cafe, always check if there is plugined any chip or
pendrive becz it may be hardware keylogger which can record your username and password before login.
5. Always use a primary name.90% peoples don’t use primary name.
6. Always use a strong password like “thu812%@”. Becz that kind of password can’t be cracked
by bruteforce attack. some people use mobile numbr which is poor one and can be easily guessed.
(step 4 is for every login page like internet banking,membership login etc.).
so hope that it will be help full to you :-)
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How to get serial a key or cracked version of any software!

hello frndz :-)
Are u looking for serial key of your expired software?
then you are at right place :-)
Normaly if you search for serial key of softawre on google then may  not be satisfied
with results(It often shows a massege that your serial key is invalid/expired/already used etc.).
but if you search with a trick then you get the result :-)
Go to google and type “94fbr your software name”
like 94fbr adobe photoshop CS6
actually 94fbr is the code of cracked software.
Hoping that it will be helpful to you :-)
stay with us :-)
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Hack a facebook account- Tab napping attack(advance Phishing attack)

hello frndz..
As you know that phishing attack to hack a facebook account is now unsuccesful as it’s been detected by facebook.
So ,now i will tell you a new attack to hack facebook accounts…
Are u ready guys..?
let’s start…
this attack is called tab nappping(advanced phishing attack)
Actually tab napping is a script which is when put on your blog or site by you and victim visits
it(for playing games or reading articles or anything else) when victim opens a new tab for help(how to play or read full article),after 4-5 seconds when he
return to previous tab, then  victim will be redirected to facebook login page. when
As victim types username and password , it will be send to you..
(Note:-New tab for help is also you have to provide in order to distract the victim for few seconds.)
1. download tab napping file from here.
2.Upload to free webhosting site like 000webhost, etc
Upload to webhost
3. The website contain a game and send your website address(your tab napping website
where you upload all the files) to victim and tell him/her that if your are smart then
play this game and win the prize. And tell him that for tips(help) how to play it, Go to google :-)
Game website
4.when victim came back to the website , it will be automatically redirected and saying
them to login with facebook account to continue.
5.When your victim log in with facebook account then password will saved in your
website and he/she will be redirected to main game page.
6.Now just open and you will see the email
and passwords.
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how to make money online without investment- no spam! is a site which allows you to shorten your URL and get pay of every click.
It average rate of pay is  $4 – $8 per 1000 unique views  depend upon location! has an easy to reach payment threshold, so once you have earned $5.00 on your account, your earnings will automatically be paid into your PayPal.
Sign up here to join
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How to hack PC using PRORAT.

hello frndz..
i am going to show you how to hack a computer using ProRat.
First Download PRORAT from here
now  i will tell you some feature of PRORAT.
PRORAT feature:
1. PC info of victim.
2. shutdown victim’s PC.
3. know password(facebook, messanger,FTP)
4. search for important file of victim.
5. take screenshot of victim
and many more………
so let’s start..
1. Once it is downloaded extract it. Enter the password “pro”
Click on the “Create” button in the bottom. Choose “Create ProRat Server”
Now put your IP address so that server could connect you and email id so that whenever victim
gets infected it will send you an email.

Next open “general settings” to continue.
we will choose the “server port” the programme will connect through, passwd you asked to
enter when the victim infected  and wish to connect with them and victim  name
Now click on “bind with file”. choose any intersting file like game so that victim will trust your file.
bindgame file

Now click on the “sever extension”. choose “.EXE”
choose a attractive server icon. Here you will choose an icon for your server file to have:
After this, press Create server, your server will be in the same folder as ProRat
Now your trojan is ready.  send it to your friend of girlfriend :-P
When the victim double click the file, his computer will be in your control.


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Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Reaver For Android - Hack WPA/WPA2 secured WiFi on Android

If you read the previous post, I wrote about functional aircrack- ng for Android. You can easily crack WEP-secured WiFi using this feature but that's not all. A new tool called Reaver hacks WiFi also and it can even crack WEP secured WiFi within few hours. Check this out.

Although the Reaver is in BETA stage and tested only on very few devices, it should work properly on all devices that support bcmon - monitor mode (Broadcom chipsets).

So..What excatly is it?

I will quote from SOEDI.

What is this awesome app actually usefull for?
Well, RfA is able to unveil the actual WPA(2)-Key of many routers within 2 - 10 hours.
WHAT?! I though WPA(2) is safe?
It used to be, but then many router models got WiFi Protected Setup, short WPS, implemeted, which is pretty vulnerable. (Details)
Basically it's a Brute-Force attack with Reaver against a 8 digit pin with 10^4 + 10^3 possibilities.
What is Reaver?
Reaver-WPS is a pentesting tool developed by Tactical Network Solutions.
It attacks WPS-enabled routers and after the WPS-Pin is cracked, it retrieves the actual WPA-Key.
Reaver provides only a terminal interface, which is ok for Notebooks etc., however it's a pain on Android devices.
Because of this I developed RfA.
Doesn't Reaver requires Monitor-Mode and so can't work on Android?
Yes, Reaver needs Monitor-Mode, but thanks to bcmon some Android devices are now Monitor-Mode capable.
Pretty crazy, isn't it?
To install and run this app, you have to install bcmon first. Bcmon is an application that generally enables the monitor mode, which is for stuff like this necessary. 


Follow the guide to install the Reaver properly:

  1. Download, install and enable Monitor Mode using Bcmon
  2. Start RfA
  3. Test Monitor Mode
  4. You're now proceed to manage the app.
Steps above are only for installation, no need to repeat them more times.
As you know, the Reaver is actually in BETA-Stage and may not work properly on all devices.
To give a feedback, report HERE (Original XDA Thread) and get more info.
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How to hack Google Play in-app purchases?

Ever wanted to get Google in-app purchases without paying? Ain't nothing easier! All you need to have is this app. Google Play microtransactions will not be problem for you anymore.

Freedom lets you easily crack Google in-app purchases and get access to paid things without spending a single cent. Freedom requires root access to work, of course.

After installing, you have to change your GMT area to Moskow (Russia), probably the Freedom is a Russian app.

After installing, proceed to unlocking the app. To unlock an app, open Freedom and choose your app in the list. After ulocking, navigate to settings -> app list -> Google Play and restore it to factory version. (Otherwise the app won't work). Now you have some time till the new version automaticlly downloads -
Open the app you want to hack and try to purchase. If you done everything well, you should see this:

In this case you're free to "pay for free". Remember, the Google Play automaticlly upgrades itselft to the newest version, therefore you have to restore it every time.

If you want to remove Freedom, go to MENU and STOP it, otherwise you won't be able to use the Google Play anymore.

Please read before installing:

Usage of this manual means that you agreed with the  Terms Of Service:


Freedom is local solution, so all data it need is stored directly on your device. We don’t collect any your private data. And yes, we can’t say the same about Google.

This software is not a Crack. No services or software were damaged. Freedom doesn’t interfere in work of Google servers.

Remember: Freedom launcher was made only for legally installed applications. You can use this application to get content, already included in these apps. Please do not pirate Google Play apps.

This walkthrough is for educational purposes only.
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Sunday, 13 October 2013

Get Job !!

Eager to find a new job? This job search engine will help you uncover some fantastic opportunities:
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8 Netflix Hacks You Should Know for Improved & Unrestricted Streaming on Any Device

Netflix is more popular now than ever, but it still has a ways to go before satisfying everyone. Whether it's a lack of availability, buggy or unattractive apps, or just not being able to find anything to watch, lots of people have their complaints.
But there is a way to make Netflix better.
Here are 8 ways to get the most out your Netflix experience, no matter what country or device you're watching from.

#1. Stream Netflix from Any Country with Media Hint

Unfortunately, Netflix is still only available in a handful of regions. There are plenty of ways to trick it into working elsewhere, but the simplest by far is Media Hint. Media Hint is a browser extension for Firefox and Chrome that routes Netflix traffic through U.S.-based proxies to bypass location restrictions.
It's free to use and there's no signup required. All you have to do is hit Install. You can also use a service like Tunlr, but there's more steps involved.

#2. Watch Content from All Regions with Hola Unblocker

Not satisfied with the offerings available in your region? Redditor zhuki wrote a script for the popular Hola Unblocker that lets you switch back and forth between all ten regions so you can stream content from any country that has Netflix streaming.
If your favorite movie or show isn't available where you live, there's a good chance you might find it in another region. It's super easy to install and switching between countries is as simple as clicking a few buttons.

#3. Access American Netflix from Anywhere on iOS or Apple TV

The Hola Unblocker script above only works on computers, but if you want to watch American Netflix from another country on your Apple device, there's a hack for that too. All you have to do is change the DNS settings in iOS and re-launch the Netflix app.
If you have an Apple TV, it works for that, too.

#4. Add IMDb & Rotten Tomatoes Ratings to Netflix in Chrome

Netflix may have a giant selection of movies and shows, but it's not exactly a secret that a lot of them are crap. You can save some time sifting through all that content with Netflix Rate, a Chrome extension that shows you a movie's IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes ratings alongside the ones provided by Netflix users.

#5. Search for Movies More Efficiently with 'Can I Stream It?'

Netflix's search and recommendation engine has gotten better, but it still leaves much to be desired. If you want to stay on top of what's available to stream, an app called Can I Stream It? can help. When you search for an item, it tells you all the different content services where it's currently available to stream or download.
There's a Chrome extension to make the process faster, and the service offers apps for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. No matter which device you're watching from, you're covered.

#6. Control the PS3 or Xbox 360 Netflix App from Android or iOS

If you stream movies via your PS3, there's a feature in the newest version of the Netflix app that lets you control it using your smartphone or eReader. The only requirement is that the device is connected to the same WiFi network as your PS3.
It works on any iPad, iPhone, iPod touch running iOS 5 or higher. For smartphones, the Kindle Fire, and the Nook tablet, you need to be running Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) or higher, and on any other Android tablet you need 3.0 (Honeycomb) or higher.
If you want to control the Netflix app on your Xbox 360 or PS3, you can do so with the Xbox SmartGlass app from Microsoft.

#7. Mod Your Nexus 7 to Display More Video Options

Being able to watch Netflix on your Android tablet is awesome, but the layout of the app is pretty terrible and doesn't display many options at a time.
If your Nexus 7 is rooted, you can mod the Netflix app to look much cleaner and show more movies at once.
Check out the tutorial by softModder Danny to see how the process works step by step.

#8. Access the Hidden Netflix Menu on Your Xbox or PS3

Remember the Konami Code? Well, this hack won't blow up any ships, but it will let you access a secret hidden menu in the Netflix apps for Xbox and PS3. As my colleague Nelson explains, the code brings up a diagnostics page where you can "deactivate and log out of your account, then associate a different Netflix account with your gamertag."
It also lets you see stats on memory usage, bitrates and frames per second, as well as a few other useful options like clearing out storage space. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for everyone, so the only way to find out is to give it a try. If you're using a PC to watch Netflix, there are some hidden streaming settings you can access there, too.
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Download YouTube videos to your Android phone easily with OG YoutubeDownloader

How to download videos from YouTube the best way? Ain't no better way than download this app, which will do all of this stuff just by one click on a download button. The downloaded videos can be downloaded in the best available quality.
There are two versions of the app: one is for un-rooted devices, the second one is for rooted only.
Basiclly, the app is modded YouTube, therefore it can also play videos.
  • Pause/Resume option
  • Download all available qualities
  • Download more than one video at the same time
  • 4 Formats available to download 3GB, FLV, MP4 and MP3
  • Download videos as MP3 directly
  • All qualities playable *140p~1080p*
  • Screen off playback
  • Select default quality
  • And more..


  • VERSION 1 [ - unrooted phones]
  • VERSION 2 [ - needs to delete the old version first - root]
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Hack Like a Pro: How to Remotely Install a Keylogger onto Your Girlfriend's Computer

Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers!
Several of you have you have emailed me asking whether it's possible to install a keylogger on a victim’s computer using Metasploit. The answer is a resounding "YES"!
So, by popular request, in this guide I'll show you how to install a keylogger on your girlfriend's, boyfriend's, wife's, or husband's computer.
For those of you wondering what a keylogger is, the simple answer is that it's a piece of software or hardware that captures every keystroke and saves them for retrieval by you, the attacker. These types of devices have long been used by hackers to capture logins, passwords, social security numbers, etc. Here we will use it to capture the keystrokes of a cheating girlfriend.
Fire up Metasploit and let's get started.
Like in my last article on disabling antivirus software, I'm assuming that you've successfully installed Metasploit’s powerful listener/rootkit on the target system.

Step 1: Migrate the Meterpreter

Before we start our keylogger, we need to migrate the Meterpreter to the application or process we want to log the keystrokes from. Let's check to see what processes are running on the victim system by typing:
meterpreter >ps
Notice in the screenshot above that we have a listing of every process running on the victim system. We can see about 1/3 of the way down the process listing with a Process ID (PID) of 912, the Notepad application is open and running.
Let's migrate to that process and capture any keystrokes entered there. Type:
meterpreter > migrate 912
You can see from the screenshot that Meterpreter responds that we have migrated successfully,

Step 2: Start the Keylogger

Now that we have migrated the Meterpreter to the Notepad, we can embed the keylogger.
Metasploit’s Meterpreter has a built-in software keylogger called keyscan. To start it on the victim system, just type:
meterpreter> keyscan_start
With this command, Meterpreter will now start logging every keystroke entered into the Notepad application.

Step 3: Write a Short Note on the Victim System

Let's now move to our victim system and write a short note to make sure it works.
As you can see in screenshot above, Cheatah has written a short note to Stud, asking him to come visit while her boyfriend is gone. All of these keystrokes are being captured by our keylogger providing us with evidence of her cheating heart (or some other organ).

Step 4: Recover the Keystrokes

Now, let's go back to our system with Meterpreter running on Metasploit. We can now dump all of the keystrokes that were entered on Cheatah's computer. We simply type:
meterpreter> keyscan_dump
As you can see, every keystroke has been captured including the tabs and end of line characters. Now you have the evidence on Cheatah!
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How to Get Free Netflix for Life

n today's Null Byte, we're hacking Netflix. As most of you know, Netflix is a subscription service that streams movies and TV shows to your devices over the internet. A common stance amongst my Xbox Live friends is that Netflix isn't worth the cost. The instant movies predominantly consist of old titles, and new movies aren't added often enough.
However, I persisted that the service is indeed worth it, if only so we could watch Netflix movies communally through our avatars (a feature that has since been removed).
How to Get Free Netflix for Life
My cheap friends stated, "If you get it for me, I'll watch stuff with you." So that is exactly what I did. Exploiting Netflix is rather easy. Let's check out how.


  • Spare email accounts
  • Spare pre-paid debit cards (these can be depleted of funds)

The Process

The process is simple. Netflix offers a free trial program for "new" users. We're going to exploit this weakness via prepaid debit cards. At the very least, if you lack spare prepaid debit cards, you can purchase them and get free Netflix for two months on each one, while the cards themselves cost only 3 dollars.
  1. Register for a free trial with Netflix.How to Get Free Netflix for Life
  2. Use a fake name when registering to Netflix, to avoid potential banning if they catch on.
  3. When the month is up, create a Paypal account with the debit card that you used for Netflix already.
  4. Register for another free trial with your Paypal account.
This grants you two free months for every card, and it is pretty easy to get a hold of a used up prepaid debit card every two months.
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Top 12 Hacks for Making Your Gadgets Better with Sugru

Sugru is some pretty versatile stuff. The company's slogan is "Hack things better," and for good reason. It sticks to aluminum, steel, ceramics, glass and plastics, it's waterproof and heat-resistant, and it can be molded into any shape you can imagine.
Anything from your kitchen cabinets to your bicycle can be improved with some Sugru and a little creativity, and gadgets are no exception. Here are 10 of the coolest hacks to fix or upgrade your smartphone, tablet, or camera.

#1. Fix a Broken or Missing Button on Your Phone

Broken hardware buttons make controlling your phone an annoying and tedious process, if you can do anything with it at all. Before resorting to Assistive Touch or another workaround, try replacing the missing button with Sugru.

#2. Keep Your Tablet Out of the Way While Cooking

If you use your tablet in the kitchen, you've probably had a few close calls with spilled ingredients. Prevent future disasters by using Sugru to make your own DIY wall mount for tablets so you can read recipes without worrying about messing it up.

#3. Make Your Headphones Fit Better

Everyone's ears are different, so it's no surprise that a lot of people have problems getting their in-ear headphones to stay put. But with a few small pieces of Sugru, you can customize your headphones to fit your ears perfectly.

#4. Build a DIY GoPro Camera Pole Mount

Want to record your outdoor adventures without dropping a ton of cash on a camera mount? Make your own GoPro pole mount with some Sugru and a stick.

#5. Replace Worn-Off Lettering on Appliances

Even if your appliances still have a few years left in them, the lettering around knobs and buttons is one of the first things to go. Fill in the grooves with Surgu to make them look like new again.

#6. Make Your MacBook's MagSafe Power Adapter Better

Always misplacing the groundless AC plug to your MacBook's power adapter? Attach it to the side with Sugru and a paper fastener so you always know exactly where it is.
And if your scared of having another frayed cord, use some Sugru for stress-relief like Micah Elizabeth Scott did on the power adapter and MagSafe connector.

#7. Turn Your Smartphone into a Wallet for Cards & Keys

Sometimes, you just don't feel like carrying a wallet or purse, but small items like cards and keys can easily get lost in your pocket. Get the best of both worlds by turning your phone into a wallet.

#8. Protect Your Device with Sugru Bumpers

No one likes nicks and scratches on their gadgets. You can always buy a case to protect them, but it's super easy to add bumpers to the corners with Sugru instead.

#9. Customize Your USB Drive

If you've got a USB stick that's falling apart, or just in need of a facelift, customize it to look however you want. Add a design, change its shape, or turn it into your favorite cartoon character.

#10. Make a Macro Lens for Your Smartphone Camera

Who says you need an expensive camera to take professional looking macro photos? With an old broken lens or a small magnifying glass, you can make a macro lens for your smartphone to get up close and personal without spending a bunch of money.

#11. Add a USB Port to Your Wired Mouse

For reasons unknown to us lowly consumers, computer manufacturers sometimes put USB ports too close together to use both simultaneously. If you use a wired mouse, you can use Sugru to hack a USB port onto it and avoid the hassle.

#12. Use It for Quick-Fix Cracked Screen Repair

Smartphones and tablets are prone to screen cracks, whether they're an iPhone, Android, or Kindle. If you're lucky, it only just started cracking up in the corner of the display where touch does not affect the screen. In that case, add Sugru to fix it before it splinters off into the touch area.

Got a Hack of Your Own?

Have you used Sugru to hack your own gadgets? Tell us about it and upload a photo in the comments section! If you don't have any Sugru lying around, you can also try making your own Oogoo, the friendly Sugru alternative.
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